Highguard Watcher

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MobHighguard Watcher
Image of Highguard Watcher
Gender Male
Race Man'ari eredar (Demon)
Level 45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Burning Legion
Location Nath'raxas Hold; High Inquisitor's Lair, Krokuun
Status Killable

Highguard Watchers are man'ari eredar located in Nath'raxas Hold and at the entrance of High Inquisitor's Lair in Krokuun.


  • Fel Hatchet - Throws a fel-infused axe at the target, inflicting Fire damage.
  • Watcher's Strike - Slices the target, inflicting Physical damage.

Objective of


  • I am of Argus, the mightiest world in all of the Great Dark.
  • In Sargeras's name.
  • Your death will be swift and unmerciful.
  • Here's a small taste of my fel magic.
  • The Legion's will be done.
  • Wither before my might!
  • You dare?!
  • Your world will be purged!

Patch changes

External links