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Hero's Call: Howling Fjord!

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AllianceHero's Call: Howling Fjord!
Start Hero's Call Board
End Macalroy
Level 10-30
Category Howling Fjord
Experience 1,200
Rewards 74s
Next A [10-30] Hell Has Frozen Over...
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [10-30] Warchief's Command: Howling Fjord!.


Speak with Macalroy in Howling Fjord.


All able-bodied citizens of the Alliance are to report to Macalroy in Howling Fjord.

The port town of Valgarde is located in the heart of the Howling Fjord, and it allows for the Alliance to have an advantageous position to strike at the Scourge.

Assist the soldiers stationed there.

Glory to the Alliance!


You will receive:

  • 74s
  • 1,200 XP


What is it?!

Can't you see I'm already busy trying to get this port ready, <race>?


  1. A [10-30] Hell Has Frozen Over...
  2. A [10-30] If Valgarde Falls...
  3. A [10-30] Rescuing the Rescuers
  4. A [10-30] Prisoners of Wyrmskull
  5. A [10-30] Dragonflayer Battle Plans
  6. A [10-30] To Westguard Keep!

Patch changes

External links