Hellscream's Grasp

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HordeHellscream's Grasp
Tol Barad Peninsula 025.jpg
Type Outpost
Leader(s) Unknown
Race(s) OrcOrc Orc
Affiliation(s) Hellscream's Reach
Location Tol Barad Peninsula
Status Active

No Inn          No Mailbox

No Stables

No Anvil & Forge

No Bank       No Auctions
Travel Yes Flight Master(s)
No Mass-transit
No Portal(s)

Hellscream's Grasp is a small Horde camp located in Tol Barad Peninsula. It is most likely named after the new Horde's Warchief Garrosh Hellscream, who also commanded the creation of Hellscream's Reach, Tol Barad's Horde faction, or possibly as a tribute to the great orcish hero Grom Hellscream leader of the Warsong clan, and Garrosh's father.

Patch changes

External links