Heavy Chan

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NeutralHeavy Chan
No image available
Gender Male
Race Pandaren
Affiliation(s) Shado-Pan
Location Shado-Pan Monastery
Status Alive
Mentor(s) Hawkmaster Nurong, Master Snowdrift, Yalia Sagewhisper
Companion(s) Pei-Ling, Ten
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft novels, novellas, or short stories.

Heavy Chan is a large pandaren from One Keg and the son of a wealthy alchemist. He was one of the ten volunteers who decided to take The Trial of the Red Blossoms in order to join the Shado-pan. During the first trial he was unable to remove his paw from the tiger brazier which housed coin he needed to take. As such with the mouth too small and hot Chan so saw no choice but to take the brazier itself. After reuniting with the other three who had taken the test he remarked that there no others behind him, causing Ten to silently wonder to himself if the other hopefuls had drowned, been frozen, or simply left once Chan took the brazier.

During the second trial one of the initiates was killed by snake but that was not the true horror as the surviving three initiates were forced to confront the sha. Working together Chan, Ten, and Pei-Ling were able to overcome the Sha and after recuperating Master Nurong decided that their final test would be to swear the Shado-pan oath. As such Chan and his companions did so, thus fulfilling their goal of becoming members of the Shado-pan.[1]
