Hawkmaster Liu

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NeutralHawkmaster Liu
Image of Hawkmaster Liu
Title <People of the Sky>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) People of the Sky
Location Secret Aerie, Veiled Stair
Status Alive
Relative(s) Hawkmaster Nurong (brother)
Companion(s) Training Hawks

Hawkmaster Liu is a pandaren found in a cave at the Secret Aerie on the Veiled Stair. He is a member of the People of the Sky. He is the brother of Hawkmaster Nurong.



If you have completed the quests with Hawkmaster Nurong in Townlong Steppes

Word reaches me you served with my brother in Townlong Steppes. How is the young fellow? Did he ever tell you how he lost his eye?

If you haven't

Welcome <name>. We have been watching you for some time. You are a gust of wind that heralds the storm of change.


  • He uses the same click-on quotes as his brother.

Patch changes

External links