Injured Icemaw Matriarch

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NeutralInjured Icemaw Matriarch
Image of Injured Icemaw Matriarch
Gender Female
Race Polar bear (beast)
Level 25-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Hibernal Cavern, Storm Peaks
Vehicle This creature can be mounted.

Injured Icemaw Matriarch is a polar bear found in the back of the Hibernal Cavern just off the Valley of Ancient Winters in the Storm Peaks.

Objective of

During the quest N [25-30] The Last of Her Kind, your mission is to find an Icemaw Matriarch, harness it, and bring it back to Brunnhildar Village.

The jormungar have invaded the Hibernal caverns, and you discover that only one Icemaw still survives there, and even that one is injured. You harness her up, and take her back to the village.

Harnessed Icemaw Matriarch

Just the Bear necessities for the Hyldsmeet.

Once mounted, this bear is renamed to Harnessed Icemaw Matriarch and sets forth on an automatic set path through the cave and back to the Brunnhildar Village. It has no speakable abilities in this state.

Patch changes

External links

Injured Harnessed