Harlan Whitedawn

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HordeHarlan Whitedawn
Image of Harlan Whitedawn
Title <The Reliquary>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Humanoid)
Level 32-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sunreaver Onslaught, Reliquary
Location Court of Bones, Isle of Thunder
Status Alive

Harlan Whitedawn is a blood elf member of the Reliquary found near the Court of Bones on the Isle of Thunder. Mogu tortured his body and soul.



<The blood elf is visibly shaken.>

It was horrible, just horrible! After we were caught, a mogu took me by the throat. I expected to die then and there, but instead, the mogu made a clutching motion and PULLED. All of a sudden, it was as if all the air were gone from my lungs.

I felt a terrible twisting and ripping. My skin and bones felt as if on fire. Suddenly I was floating out of my own body.

The mogu laughed in my face, and I knew that my soul would suffer for the rest of eternity.

Have you ever felt complete and utter terror, <class>? I have.

<The blood elf shudders and grows quiet.>


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Saedelin Whitedawn and Taloren Whitedawn.

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