Harbinger Aph'lass

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MobHarbinger Aph'lass
Image of Harbinger Aph'lass
Race N'raqi (Aberration)
Level 10-30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Stonetalon Peak, Stonetalon Mountains[41.2, 23.0]

Harbinger Aph'lass is a n'raqi that resides inside the Stonetalon Peak in Stonetalon Mountains.


  • Spell shadow painspike.png Shadow Crash — Fires a missile towards a random target. When this missile lands, it deals Shadow damage to all enemies within 5 yards of that location.


  • Hear the call... serve him... join ussssssssssss...
  • Your remains will feed IT which rises!
  • This form means nothing. We are without end.

Objective of

Patch changes

External links