Hannval the Butcher

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MobHannval the Butcher
Image of Hannval the Butcher
Gender Male
Race Vrykul (Humanoid)
Level 10-45 Rare
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Jotunnwood, Stormheim
Status Killable

Hannval the Butcher is a vrykul located in the Jotunnwood in Stormheim.


  • Amplified
  • Carve Off - Hannval whirls his blades around, dealing Physical damage to nearby enemies and carving chunks of meat off of them.
  • Cascading Slam - Slams the ground, creating a cascade of forked earth in that direction, inflicting 300 Nature damage to enemies within 4 yards of each impact location.
  • Consume - Hannval consumes the meat of his enemies, healing him for 5% of his maximum health.
  • Echo - Shouts to the heavens, inflicting sonic damage to all enemies. Each enemy struck causes the sound to resonate, releasing an Echo periodically at that location. Echos inflict sonic damage to targets within 8 yards.
  • Enhanced
  • Eruption - Calls upon the earth to crush foes, causing Eruptions nearby. Each pillar strikes targets within 5 yards for Nature damage.
  • Ravaging Whirl - Hurls a whirl of metal and wind in a targeted direction, bleeding Physical damage to enemies caught inside. The whirl intensifies upon contact.
  • Resolute Armor / Vulnerable Armor - Imbused[sic] the caster with Resolute Armor, reducing damage taken by 75% for 8 sec. After wearing off, the caster gains Vulnerable Armor, increasing damage taken by 50% for 5 sec.


Objective of


Ah, fresh meat for the spit!
I'll eat your... heart...

Patch changes

External links