Hakkari Blood Priest

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MobHakkari Blood Priest
Image of Hakkari Blood Priest
Gender Both
Race Jungle troll (Humanoid)
Level 61 Elite
Class Priest
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Hakkari
Location Zul'Gurub
Status Killable

Hakkari Blood Priests are jungle trolls found in Zul'Gurub. They use blood magic.


  • Spell shadow lifedrain.png Blood Funnel — Can heal a friendly target for 5000 hp/sec while doing 500 hp/sec damage to themselves. This effects characters that are outside melee range.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain02.png Drain Life — Drains 300 hp/sec from an enemy target and heals the Blood Priest by 6000 hp/sec.


1) All members of raid must move to within melee range of the Blood Priest. Use stuns to interrupt heals and DPS them down. (This method does not work very well unless your raid DPS is very high)

2) Use a priest to [Mind Control] the Blood Priest use Blood Funnel on the Main Tank. When [Mind Control] breaks, recast again. Blood Priest can do little damage to you while casting [Mind Control]. Kill the Blood Priest last by draining his life to 1%, releasing and having a rogue backstab him. If [Mind Control] is mastered, you can take 2 or 3 groups of mobs before Hakkar and survive the battle easy, just by healing your Main Tank with the Blood Priest. Note that a Shadow Priest with talent points in Shadow Focus makes chain Mind Control easier.


  • Feel da big bad voodoo!
  • I gonna make you into mojo!
  • Troll mojo da strongest mojo!
  • Your skull gonna decorate our ritual altars!


Patch changes

External links