Guru of Drakuru

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Guru of Drakuru is a quest achievement earned for a lengthy chain of quests from a Drakkari Troll named Drakuru. The chain is split into two sections. The first section begins in the Grizzly Hills, the second in Zul'Drak.

Grizzly Hills

At this time, Drakuru is caged in Granite Springs in Grizzly Hills. The player is tasked with obtaining several artifacts for Drakuru under the guise of attempting to cleanse Drak'Tharon Keep. This section culminates in Drak'Tharon Keep upon completing N [15-30D] Cleansing Drak'Tharon where Drakuru reveals his true motives as an ally to the Lich King. The Lich King promotes him to an Overlord and places him in charge of building a Scourge army in Zul'Drak.



The second section of the chain begins in Zul'Drak. The player obtains a choker from one of the undead Trolls near Ebon Watch. Upon delivering the choker to Stefan Vadu, the player goes through a series of infiltration missions into the necropolis of Overlord Drakuru, Voltarus. This section culminates into a final battle with Drakuru on top of Voltarus.


  1. N [20-30] An Invitation, of Sorts...
    N [20-30] Darkness Calling
  2. N [20-30] Near Miss
    N [20-30] Close Call
  3. N [20-30] You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
    N [20-30] Silver Lining
  4. N [20-30] Dressing Down
    N [20-30] Suit Up!
  5. N [20-30] Infiltrating Voltarus
  6. N [20-30] So Far, So Bad
  7. N [20-30] Hazardous Materials
  8. N [20-30] Sabotage
    1. N [20-30] Fuel for the Fire
    2. N [20-30] Disclosure
  9. N [20-30] Betrayal

After successfully completing both N [15-30D] Cleansing Drak'Tharon and N [20-30] Betrayal, the player is then rewarded with the achievement Guru of Drakuru.

Patch changes

External links

es:Guru de Drakuru