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Guardian of the Vault

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MobGuardian of the Vault
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Race Quilen (Beast)
Level 50
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Killable

Guardians of the Vault are quilen located in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


  • Inv stone 07.png Petrification — The victim slowly turns to stone, moving and attacking slower for 30 sec. This effect stacks, causing the victim to move and attack even slower. While turning to stone, the victim takes less damage from all sources. After 10 stacks, the victim is completely petrified. Exposure to the elements petrifies the victim, turning them to stone temporarily.
  • Ability warrior sunder.png Sundering Bite — Chews on an enemy's armor, reducing it 5% per bite. Can be applied up to 20 times. Lasts 20 sec. Victims are afflicted with Petrification.

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