Guard Taruc

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HordeGuard Taruc
Image of Guard Taruc
Gender Male
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 5-30
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Orgrimmar
Occupation Grunt
Location Northern Barrens[55, 61]
Status Alive

Guard Taruc is an orc found in eastern part of Northern Barrens near the road to Ratchet. He can sometimes be found inside the cook's hut eating food brought by Gruk.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

Taruc stood guard at Gruk's during the Legion Invasions. Duhng, Tarban Hearthgrain and Grub were all cowering in fear behind him.


Gruk says: Would you like something more to eat sir?
Guard Taruc says: More bread boy!
Gruk says: Right away sir.

Gruk will then walk over to Tarban Hearthgrain, gather a loaf of bread and return.

Gruk says: Here is your bread sir.
Guard Taruc says: Aaahh... Very good. Now scat!
Gruk says: As you wish sir.

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