Gryphon Rider (Rumble)

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WAR Team Alliance.pngGryphon Rider
Inventory SlotBG Alliance.png
Statue GryphonRider Pose.png


WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
CombatHUD UnitLevels 2.png
Family WAR Team Alliance.png Alliance
Cost 2 WAR GoldCurrency Logo.png
Type Troop
Traits Cycle, Flying, One-Target
* = Base value, increases with level
Damage* 160
Health* 170
DPS* 145
Attack Speed 1.1
Range 5
Speed Med-Fast
Warcraft Rumble-logo.png
This article contains information related to Warcraft Rumble, which is considered non-canon.

“A sky-riding Flier that throws mighty dwarven hammers at aerial and ground troops alike.”

The Gryphon Rider is a ranged flying unit of the Alliance family in Warcraft Rumble. A cheap unit that deals decent damage and moves quickly, the Gryphon Rider can take advantage of its flying status to ignore tough hitting melee enemies. Unfortunately, this also makes it a quick target to be picked off by ranged units with a longer range, such as the Darkspear Troll.


Artwork of a Gryphon Rider.
  • WARTraitCycle.png Cycle: 2 cost or less for more Mini plays!
  • WARTraitFlying.png Flying: Strong vs Melee units.
  • WARTraitOne-Target.png One-Target: Strong vs AoE units.



Air Drop

Periodically drop a potion, Leveling Up the first ally to touch it.
Costs 250 Coins.

Odyn's Fury

Gain Fury.
Costs 250 Coins.

Mighty Throw

Gain +3 Range.
Costs 250 Coins.


External links