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Gregarious Aristocrat

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MobGregarious Aristocrat
Image of Gregarious Aristocrat
Gender Both
Race Night elf (Undead)
Level 50
Class Mage
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Highborne
Location Highborne Estates, Nazjatar

Gregarious Aristocrats are night elf ghosts located at the Highborne Estates in Nazjatar.


  • Spell arcane blast.png Arcane Blast — Inflicts Arcane damage to an enemy.
  • Ability monk forcesphere arcane.png Unstable Energy — Summon a sphere of unstable energy that inflicts 10 Arcane damage to enemies within 2.5 every 1.5 sec.


  • I don't know why, but something seems off today.
  • The coral in this area is growing quite beautifully.
  • I keep hearing rumors about the Queen's next event.
  • Greetings. What brings you to our glorious city?

Patch changes

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