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Greatmother Hodiin

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NeutralGreatmother Hodiin
No image available
Gender Female
Race Tauren (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Highmountain[41, 48.8]
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Pallo (son)

Greatmother Hodiin is a vision of a tauren located in Highmountain. He appears upon interacting with the Ancient Spirit Drum.


Young Pallo says: Mother, are we there yet?
Greatmother Hodiin says: I told you to stop asking! Wait. Do you hear that?
Young Pallo says: I don't hear anything. Except the rumble of my hungry belly!
Greatmother Hodiin says: The spirits are whispering, if you stop chattering long enough to listen. Yes... yes, we are here!
Young Pallo says: "Here" here? You mean we finally found our new home?
Greatmother Hodiin says: Yes, my son. In the embrace of the high mountain before us, we shall make our home. Run and fetch the elders.
Young Pallo says: Then can we eat?
Greatmother Hodiin says: Then we can eat.

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