Grand Inquisitor Aurica

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MobGrand Inquisitor Aurica
Image of Grand Inquisitor Aurica
Gender Female
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 62 Rare Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Inquisitor
Location Halls of Atonement, Revendreth[69.6, 45.2]
Status Killable

Grand Inquisitor Aurica is a venthyr located in the Halls of Atonement in Revendreth. Her name in life was Jonapa the Opulent.

To attack her,  [Grand Inquisitor Aurica's Sinstone] is needed.


  • Inv knife 1h cataclysm c 05.png Baneful Blade — Draws living essence out of the caster's enemies, inflicting Shadow damage to all players within 4 yards of the targeted player and creates a Volatile Orb.
  • Ability rogue shadowstep.png Blink Step — The caster shifts their position, instantly teleporting to behind the enemy and attacking with Stab.
  • Ability warrior disarm.png Disarm — Disarms an enemy, forcing it to stop wielding its weapon for 3 sec.
  • Ability deathwing bloodcorruption earth.png Inquisitor's Immunity — Immune.
  • Spell arcane blink.png Shadow Split — The caster disappears into the shadows for 1 min, leaving behind 3 shadow images of themselves to fight.
  • Spell holy silence.png Silence — Silences an enemy, preventing it from casting spells for 5 sec.
  • Spell animarevendreth wave.png Tormentous Thrust — Inflicts Shadow damage to all enemies within 14 yards of the impact.
  • Ability rogue restlessblades.png Torrent of Daggers — Throws out shadow blades at random players, inflicting Shadow damage to all players within 3 yards of each impact point.


Objective of



.Not now, Maw Walker. I am taste-testing a new appetizer.

I deserve everything I have!
One... last... taste...


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