Good Deed Left Undone

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NeutralGood Deed Left Undone
Start Rendel Firetongue [46.6, 46.7]
End Adarrah [53.4, 43.0]
Level 30-35
Category Kelp'thar Forest
Experience 1,250
Rewards 78s
Previous N [30-35] The Abyssal Ride
Next N [30-35] Gimme Shelter!


Speak to Adarrah in the Kelp'thar Forest.


G'day, <laddie/lass>.

The name's Rendel.

Seems ol' Moanah and I got here in the nick of time, eh?

Erunak wasn't kiddin' when he said it was life or death!

So... in our rush ta git over here, we left a little unfinished business off to the east a ways.

A little lady was near death herself. We had no choice but ta leave her by a little air vent when we came here to yer rescue.

How bout yeh git over and help her while there's still time?

("Adarrah: Help!")


You will receive:

  • 78s
  • 1,250 XP


Oh, finally...

I don't know how much longer I can last!


Head pretty much due east. Beware of Gnash!


  1. N [30-35] Better Late Than Dead
  2. N [30-35] The Abyssal Ride
  3. N [30-35] Good Deed Left Undone
  4. N [30-35] Gimme Shelter!
  5. N [30-35] Ain't Too Proud to Beg
  6. N [30-35] Can't Start a Fire Without a Spark
  7. N [30-35] Ophidophobia

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