Golmak The Monstrosity

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MobGolmak The Monstrosity
Image of Golmak The Monstrosity
Title <Tormentor of Torghast>
Race Magma giant (Giant)
Level 62 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Maw
Status Killable

Golmak The Monstrosity is an elite magma giant giant serving as a boss of a Tormentors of Torghast event in the Maw. Defeat the monstrosity for 75 [Soul Ash].


  • Inv wildfirebomb blood.png Magma Bomb — The caster creates a volatile orb of fire exploding on contact, inflcting Fire damage and knocking players back.
  • Ability rhyolith lavapool.png Molten Ground — Melts the ground creating a pool of lava that inflicts 6 Fire damage every 2 sec.
  • Inv relics totemofrage.png Molten Punch — Melts the ground creating a pool of lava that inflicts 6 Fire damage every 2 sec.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Rumbling Stomp — Stomps the ground, inflicting Physical damage to all enemies and reducing their movement speed.
  • Ability warlock backdraft.png Touch of Flame — Melee attacks have a chance to inflict Fire damage.
  • Ability mage fierypayback.png Zovaal's Hellfire — Attacking can cause meteors of flame to fall from the skies.
  • Ability mage fierypayback.png Zovaal's Hellfire — Hurls several blazing cinders at random enemies, inflicting Fire damage to players upon impact.


Objective of

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