Golden Lotus Captive

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NeutralGolden Lotus Captive
Image of Golden Lotus Captive
Gender Both
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 30-35
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ruins of Guo-Lai, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Alive

Golden Lotus Captives are pandaren located in the Ruins of Guo-Lai in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.


  • Spell nature shamanrage.png Combat Prowess — Heightens the targets senses, increasing their damage done and melee, ranged and spell casting speed by 25% for 15 sec.
  • Ability monk cracklingjadelightning.png Jade Lightning — Blast an enemy with lightning, inflicting Nature damage.
  • Ability monk renewingmists.png Renewing Mist — Renews an ally, healing 10% of their health every 1 sec. for 5 sec.
  • Ability warrior colossussmash.png Expose Vulnerability — Exposes an enemy, causing them to take 50% additional damage.
  • Ability warrior shieldbash.png Shield Slam — Slams an enemy with a shield, stunning them for 8 sec.
  • Ability whirlwind.png Bladestorm — In a whirlwind of steel you attack all enemies within 8 yards, causing weapon damage from both melee weapons to each enemy.
  • Ability warrior bladestorm.png Bladestorm — Instantly Whirlwind all nearby targets and for the next 6 sec you will perform a whirlwind attack every 1 sec. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot perform any other abilities.
  • Ability deathknight brittlebones.png Crippling Blow — Cripples an enemy, stunning them.

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 5.4.0.


  • Too long in that cage. I'll show these mogu what I think of their captivity...
  • I'm at your side, <class>.
  • Thank you.
  • I am grateful, <class>. Let me fight by your side.
  • Thank you for the timely rescue, <class>.

Patch changes

External links