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Go Take Candle!

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NeutralGo Take Candle!
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Class Rogue Rogue
Experience 5,450
Rewards 11g 70s
Shareable Yes


Steal candles for the suspicious vent in the Gundargaz Inn.

  • Steal candles (6)


Ksk, ksk! You there! Yes, you!

<You hear the sound of jostling behind the vent and a new, even scratchier voice emerges.>

We, er, I have job for you! You look sharp. Look quick. Fast hands, just like us--me! Quick hands just like me. Bring us, me, bring me candles! Yes! No ask question, just go get candles. We are, er, I am professional, yes. Professionals do not ask questions. Only get candles.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,450 XP









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