Go Fetch

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NeutralGo Fetch
Start Johnny Awesome
End Johnny Awesome
Level 20-40 (Requires 20)
Type Dungeon
Category Auchindoun
Experience 14,520
Rewards  [Crate of Valuable Treasures]
13g 80s
Repeatable Yes


Collect a Nightmare Bell from Auchindoun.


Now THIS is a savage land worthy of my level of heroism!

Oh, hello, I did not see you standing there, staring at me. Perhaps you have noticed that every piece of my armor is an ancient relic, forgotten by time.

As you have properly surmised, an adventurer of my stature does not have time to complete the menial requests I am given daily. I must remain here, yelling aloud to the trade district so that others may witness my heroicness and be inspired.

Today I require a Nightmare Bell, do find one.


You will receive: 13g 80s
Inv crate 05.png [Crate of Valuable Treasures]


What do you want?


I see you have completed this menial task admirably, almost as if you were intended to experience such a thing. Ah fate, what do you have in store for me next?


Requires having built AllianceLunarfall Inn or HordeFrostwall Tavern in your garrison.

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