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Image of Glorandiir
Title <Axe Merchant>
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Tradesmen's Terrace, Darnassus
Status Unknown

Glorandiir is a night elf axe vendor located in the Tradesmen's Terrace in Darnassus.

BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

During the Burning of Teldrassil, he was caught in the chaos and could be saved.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv throwingaxe 05.png [Battle Axe]
76s 48c
Inv axe 03.png [Bearded Axe]
44s 27c
Inv weapon halberd 06.png [Bullova]
1g 48s 22c
Inv axe 23.png [Cleaver]
36s 88c
Inv throwingaxe 01.png [Crescent Axe]
1g 18s 16c
Inv axe 21.png [Double Axe]
53s 10c
Inv axe 01.png [Francisca]
2g 2s 7c
Inv throwingaxe 06.png [Great Axe]
2g 53s 51c
Inv axe 11.png [Hatchet]
22s 74c
Inv axe 17.png (1)x [Merciless Axe]
2g 35c
Inv axe 04.png [Tabar]
21s 55c

See also

External links
