Gathering the Spark (Horde)

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HordeGathering the Spark
Start Magister Krelas [85.0, 31.0]
End Magister Krelas
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14250
Rewards [Garrison Resources]
Previous H [20-40] Making Acquaintances
Next H [20-40] Next Steps
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [20-40] Gathering the Spark.


Harvest 3 Arcane Vortexes in Zangarra.

  • Energy harvested (3)


We need to get our hands on arcane energy to complete our scroll. It needs that fiery kick.

I have a device capable of capturing energy in the space below, so let's get moving. The infused creatures shouldn't be an issue for the two of us.


You will receive:




Excellent. This ought to be just what we need.


Pick up H [20-40] Creating the Ink and H [20-40] Forming the Scroll before heading out. After picking up all three:

Magister Krelas says: Let's burn it up!
Serena joins the party and buffs everyone with Arcane Brilliance: Increases critical strike chance by 5%. Only works in Zangarra and Gordal Fortress.

Head out into Zangarra, killing Invasive Shamblers and Encroaching Giants, looting Slumbering Protectors, and finding Arcane Vortexes.

On the east side of the caldera, way down low, find rare spore walker No'losh.


  1. B [20-40] An Audience With The Archmage
  2. B [20-40] Making Acquaintances
  3. Complete all of:
  4. B [20-40] Next Steps
  5. B [20-40] The Foot of the Fortress
  6. B [20-40] Dropping In
  7. Complete all of:
  8. B [20-40] The Final Step
  9. B [20-40] Due Cause to Celebrate
  10. B [20-40] Joining the Ranks (optional)

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