Gatekeepers of Auchindoun (Alliance)

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AllianceGatekeepers of Auchindoun
Start Defender Illona
End Defender Illona
Level 20-40
Category Talador
Experience 14,380
Rewards 13g 40s
Next A [20-40] The True Path
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [20-40] Gatekeepers of Auchindoun.


Defeat Vindicator Dalu and Soulbinder Halaari.


Auchindoun is under attack, stranger, and I intend to help defend it.

The only problem is the only armor I could find was my grandfather's old set, and it isn't nearly enough to defeat the spirits blocking the path toward Auchindoun.

Would you defeat them and let me through the gate with you? I will find a way to repay you!


You will receive:

  • 13g 40s
  • 14,380 XP


I will defend Auchindoun with my life. We cannot lose anymore in this war!


You have my eternal gratitude, hero. I will find a way to repay you someday.

Patch changes

External links