Gary Henton

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AllianceGary Henton
Image of Gary Henton
Title <Weapon Vendor>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Honor's Stand, Southern Barrens

Gary Henton is a human weapon vendor located at Honor's Stand in the Southern Barrens.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv wand 07.png [Battle Staff]
2g 93s 56c
Inv sword 05.png [Broadsword]
2g 46s 29c
Inv sword 34.png [Falchion]
5g 18s 37c
Inv weapon shortblade 15.png [Main Gauche]
1g 93s 36c
Inv mace 12.png [Morning Star]
5g 26s 8c
Inv sword 31.png [Rondel]
4g 54s 32c
Inv mace 11.png [Truncheon]
1g 91s 92c
Inv hammer 03.png [War Hammer]
2g 64s 90c
Inv hammer 17.png [War Maul]
6g 11s 8c
Inv staff 14.png [War Staff]
6g 15s 58c

Patch changes

External links