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Gaohun the Soul-Severer

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MobGaohun the Soul-Severer
Image of Gaohun the Soul-Severer
Title <Shao-Tien Imperion>
Gender Male
Race Mogu (Humanoid)
Level 30-35 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shao-Tien clan
Location Guo-Lai Halls, Vale of Eternal Blossoms [21.5, 17.6]
Status Killable

Gaohun the Soul-Severer is a mogu located in the Guo-Lai Halls in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.

Criteria of

Killing Gaohun the Soul-Severer is a part of the achievement  [One Many Army].


  • Ability warlock soulsiphon.png Spirits of the Damned 40 yd range — Inflicts 38,000 to 42,000 Shadow damage. 3 sec cast. Aims for the ground under the target.
  • Spell warlock harvestoflife.png Rend Soul 40 yd range — Inflicts 30% of the target's health in damage. 3 sec cast. Interruptible.
  • Ability warlock baneofhavoc.png Spirit Cage 40 yd range — Traps enemies in a spirit cage summoning 5 Bound Souls and rooting enemies in place for 10 secs. 3 sec cast. Called out by a boss emote:
    • Gaohun the Soul-Severer begins to cast [Spirit Cage]! Move quickly!


Gaohun's Spirits of the Damned can be avoided by moving out of the targeted area before he finishes the cast. Interrupting or reflecting back his Soul Rend is a must, as it inflicts a hefty amount of damage to the player.

Patch changes

External links