Gala Woodbridge

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NeutralGala Woodbridge
Image of Gala Woodbridge
Gender Female
Race Highmountain tauren (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Highmountain Tribe
Location Thunder Totem, Highmountain[32, 23]
Status Alive
Relative(s) Henle (daughter)

Gala Woodbridge is a Highmountain tauren sitting in a hut slightly northwest of the lower level of Thunder Totem in Highmountain. She is having a conversation with Ferra Leafheart, A'te Amberfur and Mora Cliffhoof about their children.


Gala Woodbridge says: My little Henle is out on her first trial to become a shaman... I am just so worried about her! Ferra, how did you handle yourself when Turn was doing his trials?
Ferra Leafheart says: Don't work yourself up too much, Gala. Henle, like Turn, is a talented young tauren. She has earned her right to trial, and I know she will succeed.
A'te Amberfur says: I'm glad that Kane only needed to go through his rites of age... I definitely would not be able to breathe if I knew he was ever in danger!
Mora Cliffhoof says: Ladies, my child's only a little thing! I don't even want to THINK about her getting in any dangerous situations!

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