Frostsworn General

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MobFrostsworn General
Image of Frostsworn General
Race Skeleton (Undead)
Level 80 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Occupation General
Location Halls of Reflection
Status Killable

The Frostsworn General is a skeleton found in the hallway between Sword's Rest and the Shadow Throne of the Halls of Reflection. He acts as a sort of miniboss before the players reach the Lich King.


  • Inv shield 49.png Throw Shield 5-45 yd range — Hurl your shield at the enemy, dealing 7400 to 8600 damage and stunning them for 2 sec. Instant
  • Spell shadow skull.png Summon Reflections — Summons reflections of all the enemy party members.


You are not worthy to face the Lich King!
Master, I have failed...


  • Pulling the General back to the Altar in the first room will cause him to be incapable to summon the reflections, however, he will still cast it. As well as this, defeating the Frostsworn General without allowing him to summon the reflections will cause the players to be able to see their reflections, frozen in ice.
  • Prior to patch 4.0.1, if a player performed the above glitch, and used an emote at their reflections in the ice, the target would be called Spiritual Reflection. However with 4.0.1, it now correctly says the player's name.

Patch changes

External links