Fragments of Language (Alliance)

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AllianceFragments of Language
Start Prospector Gunstan
End Prospector Gunstan
Level 15-30
Category Tanaris
Experience 6550
Rewards 70s (+39s at max level)
Shareable Yes
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [15-30] Fragments of Language.


Collect 5 Ancient Hieroglyphs.


We've had our first big find in years here at the Southmoon ruins. My lads have dug up stone tablets, engraved with ancient writings.

The glyphs on the tablets are like nothing we've ever seen, but I have a hunch we can connect them with titanic scripts found at other digsites. Imagine what a breakthrough like that could mean!

I need you to go to the Southmoon ruins and help us collect the tablets; the other lads can't leave, lest the blood elves take our site!


You will receive: 70s


Do you have the tablets?


Would you take a look at these...not troll, not qiraji, just pure mystery waiting to be unlocked.

These aren't going anywhere now that they're safely in our hands. It's time to make our way into the ruins!


  1. H [15-30] Andoren Will Know / A [15-30] Prospector Gunstan
  2. B [15-30] Laying Claim
  3. B [15-30] Fragments of Language
  4. B [15-30] Ancient Obstacles
    1. H [15-30] The Crumbling Past
    2. B [15-30] The Secrets of Uldum
    3. N [15-30] What Lies Within
    4. B [15-30] The Grand Tablet

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