Forum:Working with removed pages

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Forums: Village pump → Working with removed pages
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

As I'm working through the category, for the things that were Removed in patch 4.0.3a I've encountered a few "issues" I'd like some input on. First one being, what the general consensus is, on objects involved in removed quests. Many of the objects are still physically in the world, but can no longer be interacted with, due to quests being gone. I've removed them from categories such as "quest starters/enders" but have not removed them as objects yet, as I wasn't sure on that one. Do we only considder them objects when they can be interacted with? I don't feel to strongly either way on this one, but have left them as is, in that regard.

Secondly, seeing as wowhead are not always acurate on removed content, I have been using for information about quest relations and items, where our own pages were still unfinished stubs from way back when. They also list the reputations for removed NPCs, another point where wowhead is unreliable. While the site seems ok, it's not one that I'm too familiar with yet. Is it the most reliable one for old data, or are there others you guys use? I haven't gone through all the Ahn'qiraj event yet, but many NPCs involved in that, as an example, have no reps listed on wowhead, but they can be found on db.vanillagaming. I assume they are legit, but ofcourse it's hard to really know, as I don't remember thsoe details from back then.

Third. There's a category named Fixed devices. Is there any reason to have an article be in both the "Fixed devices" and "Zone objects" category? Again I assume it's fine to just remove pages from the "Fixed devices" category, if the object in question is already in a "Zone objects" category. It's not a category I ever used myself, so I wanted to ask before doing anything about that one.

That's it for now, but I'll update as I come across more points that I might need feedback on.

--PeterWind (talk) 08:41, 2 February 2017 (UTC)

I think I used vanillagaming a few times but most of the time I'm using "" for some ancient quests and NPCs, remember the Rokaro abilities question or for the veeery old class quests. Both databases seem correct. Mordecay (talk) 11:13, 2 February 2017 (UTC)
I can't really help with point 2 and 3, but as for point 1: I have been marking the associated quest items as removed from the game as I come across them. If a player cannot loot it or interact with it anymore, then - in my opinion - it cannot be considered as obtainable or obtained. They may exist as visible environment objects, but their core function is gone. Can they be considered still in the game when their definable features/functions are gone? Can they even be considered the same items or objects? No. Aliok (talk) 23:19, 11 February 2017 (UTC)
Ah well, I always remove them from items, the only ones I had my doubts about was whether or not to keep them as objects. But yeah that was kinda how I felt aswell. Thanks for the feedback. PeterWind (talk) 17:16, 12 February 2017 (UTC)