Forum:Why Alleria is still not in game? Mystery solved

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Forums: Village pump → Why Alleria is still not in game? Mystery solved
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Khadgar, Danath, Kurdran are already included so where is Turalyon with Alleria? This couple is still nowhere to found. Why? Its obvious that Alleria is not included in game for this reason : Blizzard employers dont know how they would handle situation of High Elves, Forsaken (both their leaders are Windrunners and according to quests Windrunner sisters have very strong emotional bond to eachother) Blood elves are accepted to Horde mostly via Sylvanas`s effort. Return of Alleria would make a HUGE mess-up and Blizzard is obviously not prepared for huge changes this return would make. --Your argument is invalid (talk) 11:08, August 8, 2010 (UTC) Drunkenhead

ummm... so? (Agamedes (talk) 11:22, August 8, 2010 (UTC))
This is more of a reason Alleria is not the leader of an alliance faction of High Elves, and an arguement could be that Alleria is disgusted by her sister's broken body being raised into undeath, not to mention her actions. Alleria could still be in-game without much difficulty. A plausible reason she is not: Alleria and Turalyon are dead. --IconSmall Falric.gif Sir Tristram (Speak, mortal. My Conquests.) 03:46, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
Didn't they just mention something during one of the panels at blizzcon about the mystery surrounding Turalyon (and Alleria by association)being solved in Cata? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by MattyP (talk · contr).
Nope, he said they'd bring Turalyon in as soon as they can find a suitably epic way to do it. And, by extension, Alleria with him. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 08:04, 26 October 2010 (UTC)
I don't see much difficulty in bringing back Alleria lore-wise, but Turalyon would become a major player no matter what. It doesn't seem difficult, just complicated. Another reason Blzzard hasn't had the two in-game yet; They just don't know what to do with them.--IconSmall Falric.gif Sir Tristram (Speak, mortal. My Conquests.) 18:53, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Another possibility is that for whatever reason, they were on the other side of another portal that the orcs opened, and were trapped on yet another world. Possibly Argus. Turalyon was a powerful paladin, comparable to Uther, and he's probably the only human paladin, or human in general, who was contacted by the Naaru directly. Argus was the home of the Draenei, who are in a sense the children of the Naaru. They telepathically gave Draenei their advancements in magic, and later the Holy Light. It's a good bet Argus is controlled by the Legion, since 2/3 of the Eredar race sided with them, and the other third fled, leaving it to be taken. It would be monumental and iconic. No doubt some Naaru felt Turalyon was fit to begin reclaiming it. This is, obviously, just wild speculation by myself, but I could see it happening. Nobody expected the Cataclysm, so it's not as if anyone could deny this possibility. As for the Alleria speculation, she hitched herself to Turalyon. Wherever he went, she did as well. Vereesa was added without much notice, why would Alleria be anymore of an issue? Myrlen Midnightstar (talk) 23:30, 18 January 2011 (UTC)