Forum:The Black Forest

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Forums: Village pump → The Black Forest
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

I was checking some of the old god lore pages to check what information on the wiki was actual canon (and which theories had at least some canonical basis) and what was fanon, when I ran into the page for the puzzlebox of Yogg-saron. While the quotes regarding N'zoth, water and the sunken city have been widely discussed, I noted that there seemed to be a second theme running in the quotes, related to forests, that I don't think I've really seen mentions of before -

  • The silent, sleeping, staring houses in the backwoods always dream... It would be merciful to tear them down...
  • There is a little lamb lost in dark woods...
  • Look around... They will all betray you... Flee screaming into the black forest...
  • The giant rook watches from the dead trees. Nothing breathes beneath his shadow.

As such, I thought it was prudent to make a wiki page regarding the black forest, or add it as a speculation to one of the old god pages. However, since the old god pages are already messy, I thought it would be best to first discuss it before adding it to any article. As such, a couple of questions. Most obviously, does this deserve its own page? If not, what page would it best fit on? Two, are there any other references to forests related to the old gods? Three, Y'knath k'th'rygg k'yi mrr'ungha gr'mula? --Ijffdrie (talk) 01:39, 28 December 2012 (UTC)

The problem, though, is what content would actually be on such a page? We don't even know if there's an actual place called the Black Forest, or if it's just a description (it's not even capitalized). At best, you'd have a page with a handful of speculative statements that may or may not even go together. A better place for such speculation would probably be on the Puzzle Box page, since it's the source of all the relevant statements. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 01:46, 28 December 2012 (UTC)
Just for completeness, it should be mentioned that this 'black forest' has been speculated as being the location of Ny'alotha. -- Taohinton (talk) 15:11, 5 January 2013 (UTC)