Forum:Oh lordy - time travel?

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Forums: Village pump → Oh lordy - time travel?
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Now before someone points out the bronze dragonflight, I am aware of that. And yes, I realize I have been retired from WoW for almost seven months now, heh...but I just read the new news about World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor. And I admit, I'm a little torn - not to mention incredibly curious. I did hope that we would have a revisit of Outland at some point, but...this is definately not what I was expecting. But given that most people assumed that level 100 would involve the endgame against the Burning Legion on Argus, I have to wonder: What's up with this? Could this be where Warcraft meets Doctor Who?

And here's where the "curious" part comes in: How the hell is this going to work? Are we essentially creating what amounts to an "alternate timeline" of the rise of the Horde? If we're getting brought into the mix with Grom Hellscream, Blackhand, Ner'zhul, so on - these guys don't meet humans, dwarves, goblins, trolls, etc. for years, if not decades, before the time this expansion will likely be set...what effects will this have?

And now to the "torn" part...I'm now very much tempted to come out of retirement for this, but I admit to wondering just what I'm getting myself into, heh heh heh.... --IconSmall Deathwing.gif Joshmaul, Loremaster of Chaos (Leave a Message) 20:29, 8 November 2013 (UTC)

I'm sure they'll do a good job explaining things as time moves on... but it does still seem a little confusing.. "its time travel but its not time travel". Snake.gifSssssssssssssssssssssssss Coobra sig3.gifFor Pony! (Sssss/Slithered) 02:28, 11 November 2013 (UTC)
Hasn't it already been explained that it's an alternate timeline? Dunno, but from what I gathered, it's a) Garrosh travels back in time, b) Garrosh prevents the orcs from drinking the blood of Mannaroth, c) this act is the point of divergence, creating a new timeline (per some time travel theories, any alteration to the past creates a new timeline/reality rather than changing the original one, d) the orcs form the Iron Horde and act like the psychos they were back in the First War, e) the Dark Portal opens up into Azeroth in the core timeline, f) game begins.
Or something. Left to ask why the portal is opening into our Azeroth rather than the Azeroth of the new timeline. Or maybe I missed something.--Amh3jhw6 (talk) 02:36, 11 November 2013 (UTC)
Garrosh (likely with the help of Kairoz) gets them to open the Dark Portal to present-day Azeroth specifically for the purpose of revenge against the Alliance and Horde. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 02:56, 11 November 2013 (UTC)