Forum:Ny'alotha speculation

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Forums: Village pump → Ny'alotha speculation
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

Has anyone read Stormrage? At the end, Malfurion sends the Nightmare back to a chasm that has been there for a long time, but I don't entirely recall the exact quote. Xavius was also said to have a master, which may be a nod to the earlier speculations that an Old God is the cause of it. Could Ny'alotha be the place briefly mentioned in Stormrage? If so, and if it wasn't natural to the Dream, could this mean that the Old Gods have a plane of existence of their own that they leaked through onto Azeroth?
If I remember right, the Old Gods are not natural to Azeroth, and came after the first time the Titan's originally brought order to the world. Which would have been around the time of the Emerald Dream's creation, being the blueprint of Azeroth, and being rather vulnerable. My thinking is that when the Titan's made the Dream to get an idea on how to make the physical world, the Old Gods sneaked in after the Titan's left, then emerged physically. Then the Titan's saw this, came back, chained them down, but didn't think to check the Dream. Which, if even being close to right, could mean that in the future, we discover this, then either we, the Titans, or both, send the Old Gods back. For those unsure of the topic in question, Ny'alotha is whispered by Yogg-Saron when attempting to open his Puzzle Box.
Just a thought that occurred to me, please take it with a grain of salt. Food for thought.
--Myrlen Midnightstar (talk) 12:35, 7 January 2011 (UTC)

I tried adding some speculation to the Ny'alotha page a few days ago, but, admittedly, my knowledge of this area of the lore is very limited. I just went based off of Yogg's whispers alone. I'm hoping that someone else can change/add to the speculation with their superior knowledge. Hopefully the Puzzle Box isn't the only source of information available on Ny'alotha.Eincrou (talk) 17:42, 7 January 2011 (UTC)
Stormrage (page 389), says that whatever is keeping its grip on the Rift of Aln (which is the possible origin point of the Emerald Dream, and something that connects the Dream to the Twisting Nether and the Great Dark Beyond) is doing so from beneath Azeroth's own seas. This is similar, but possibly unrelated, to what the puzzle box mentions.--SWM2448 22:04, 7 January 2011 (UTC)