Forum:Gamepedia merge imminent

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Forums: Village pump → Gamepedia merge imminent
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

Hey all. I just heard from Wynthyst that some time in early July, we're going to be joining Gamepedia, which is Curse's all-in-one gaming wiki platform. Gamepedia hosts nearly all of our sister Curse wikis like the Hearthstone wiki. Curse's biggest hosted wiki (the Minecraft wiki) will be hooking up to Gamepedia after we're moved over.

However, that means we're going to be moving over to the Curse unified login, where our on-wiki accounts are linked with our Curse accounts. To make sure that's as seamless as possible, make sure your email address here on the wiki and on your Curse account are the same.

Our website address is still going to be, and the skin's going to be more-or-less the same as it is now. Look at Hearthstone's skin for an example, but I expect we're still going to stay with the simple dark-grey and lighter-grey theme we're using now. The main difference is a few tweaks for the netbar (the Curse.sites bar at the very top of the page) and the footer.

The good thing is, once we're hooked in to Hydra (Curse's internal platform for handling wiki maintenance), we'll finally be upgraded from MW 1.18.6! I know of several editors who are have been looking for that, and so am I.

Anyway, this is still six weeks out, so don't panic. We'll have more information posted about the account merges when we get closer to actually making the switch. If you have any questions, feel free to reply back here. --k_d3 19:27, 22 May 2013 (UTC)