Forum:Fan Site Status

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Forums: Village pump → Fan Site Status
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Link on Front Portal

On the front portal, this fork is listed as still having fan-site status. Is this technically still true? Ddcorkum (talk) 01:37, 21 October 2010 (UTC)

Not technically. We're working on it during Blizzcon though. :) --Pcj (TDrop me a line!C207,729 contributions and counting) 01:38, 21 October 2010 (UTC)
Maybe it's wrong of me, but I honestly hope the old Wikia version loses that status, while we get/keep it. That will go a long way towards shifting traffic to the new digs. --PaxArcana (talk) 04:41, 23 October 2010 (UTC)
I think the internet is big enough that both sites can have fan site status... but in a few weeks Wikia may have as much to prove as we do now. There is definetely more edit activity going on here -- you can see that by simply comparing activity feeds (the 50th edit is usually 50-90 minutes old here and 3-5 hours old there). However, they have an overwhelming majority of the read activity I'm sure, due to topping Google page rankings and being linked to by just about every other forum and fan site on the subject. What they don't have, is momentum. We have that, and momentum can be a powerful thing. Its too soon I think to strip Wikia of fan site status, just as it is too soon to truly say we have "replaced" WoWWiki as the widely known world of warcraft wiki, but if our momentum continues then that could happen soon. Ddcorkum (talk) 14:20, 23 October 2010 (UTC)
I suppose getting Google rankings and the like to their rightful place is just a matter of time. I'm curious (as someone who doesn't follow these things) what the above mentioned forums and fan sites think about the change. Plymouth (talk) 02:58, 24 October 2010 (UTC)
I made the announcement on MMO-Champion and also sent word out after the change (after Pcj, it turns out, lol) on Scrolls of Lore. Despite the usual trolls that pop up on MMO-Champion, the response has largely been positive. Some people on Scrolls of Lore don't see the point about leaving over a skin change, but it has also been largely positive there too. I've also made it a point to mention it to my guilds, just in case. --IconSmall Deathwing.gif Joshmaul, Loremaster of Chaos (Leave a Message) 03:52, 24 October 2010 (UTC)

Fan Site Critera

  • 1. The content found on these sites must be entirely about one or more of our games and speak about World of Warcraft.
  • 2. Sites must be updated at least once a week.
  • 3. Fansite administrators must be over 18, or have written permission from their parent or guardian.
  • 4. Your site must already be completed and online. Your site must already be receiving public visitors.
  • 5. The site can not contain or link to content which violates or encourages violating the World of Warcraft Terms of Use.


Assuming we meet the above criteria, we should be able to get fansite status, I would think. #1, 2, 3 and 5 are a given. Really we should only have to worry about proving #4. --Ddcorkum (talk) 01:58, 21 October 2010 (UTC)

4 looks gold to me. I think we're fine. --Pcj (TDrop me a line!C207,729 contributions and counting) 02:00, 21 October 2010 (UTC)