Forum:Expansion bundle?

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Forums: Village pump → Expansion bundle?
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I'm a new player (2 weeks), and I've been playing vanilla WoW so far. When Cataclysm is released, will I be able to get a bundle deal on all three expansions? --Seahen (talk) 20:51, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

No idea yet, doubtful though, at least not for awhile. --Pcj (TDrop me a line!C207,729 contributions and counting) 22:10, July 16, 2010 (UTC)

I think they'd next make a BC/Wrath bundle, I doubt they'd tack a brand new expansion on the back of a bundle. Regardless, it looks like there will be a lot of new stuff for even those with just Vanilla in this expansion. Pokeball.jpg Max Krist (talk contribs) 07:37, July 17, 2010 (UTC)