Forum:Category for Cataclysm Dungeon Achievements

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Forums: Village pump → Category for Cataclysm Dungeon Achievements
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)


I am unsure about the category for the Cataclysm Dungeon Achievements. Ingame there is only one category "Cataclysm Dungeon", containing both the normal and heroic versions of the achievements. I've seen 3 categories so far here on wowpedia:

1. Dungeons & Raids 2. Cataclysm Heroic Achievements 3. Cataclysm Dungeon Achievements

The most useful category in my opinion is 3), Cataclysm Dungeon Achievements.

What is the general opinion about that?

--Hazzlebarth (talk) 23:12, 25 December 2010 (UTC)

Since there is no Cataclysm Heroic category in-game, they should all be in Cataclysm Dungeon. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 23:25, 25 December 2010 (UTC)