Forum:Cataclysm Updates

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Forums: Village pump → Cataclysm Updates
(This topic is archived. Please do not edit this page!)

I literally just signed up for Wowpedia because I used Wowwiki for all of my WoW needs, and now, wanting to repay the site, I want to update the old pages with the new Cataclysm content. However, I wanted to make sure I'm allowed to do this and that updating the information isn't being held up until the official release.

I have a toon in Silverpine and I could easily help with updating the old content, like the NPC Rane Yorick.--Grindzy (talk) 13:00, 29 November 2010 (UTC)

Please go ahead. Thanks. --Pcj (TDrop me a line!C207,729 contributions and counting) 13:04, 29 November 2010 (UTC)
Giving coords for new subzones would be especially helpful. --Gengar orange 22x22.png Fandyllic (talk · contribs) 4:09 PM PST 29 Nov 2010