Forum:Blizzard employees & related articles need naming uniformity

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Forums: Village pump → Blizzard employees & related articles need naming uniformity
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Naming uniformity

Need assistance in straightening out article names for primarily Community Managers and the NPCs of the same name, but we should probably lump in employees in general. Anyroad, it's going to involve someone with the ability to move articles.

  • Crithto takes you to the NPC page. Crithto (CM) takes you to the community manager's page.
  • Zarhym takes you to the community manager's page. Zarhym (NPC) takes you to the NPC page.
  • Nethaera redirects to the CM's real name, Danielle Vanderlip.
  • Lore is an article on what lore is, what does or doesn't count as lore, etc. You have to click on Lore (disambiguation) to even discover there is a CM named Lore.

I understand there's not too much that may be done for Lore, but surely there's a solution for the rest. Personally, I feel that the community manager article should take priority since that's what most people are probably looking for when they do a search. Halp plz. -- Aliok (talk) 05:20, 10 August 2015 (UTC)

Schema for articles

This is what I believe should be the naming priority.

  1. Avatar name/pseudonym from the official forums
  2. NPC or mob name from in-game
  3. Real name (redirect to avatar name/pseudonym)
  4. Leave a "for" link for exceptions (i.e.: CM Lore)

I won't be tackling this for a few months due to Real Life, but I plan to move and edit Community Manager pages to fit the style I listed above. I invite additional thoughts or objections. Aliok (talk) 20:13, 17 September 2015 (UTC)

I'm certainly in agreement that something needs to be done to make these standard. I'm not sure if the CMs should come first, because they are as you say almost certainly what people are actually searching for, or if the in-game content should take priority, since it's actually in the game. Then there's always the argument about whether their nom de plume should be used, or their real name. I suspect the first answers to both of these choices would be good. -- Taohinton (talk) 16:11, 6 November 2015 (UTC)
In regard to the matter about pseudonyms, I don't think we should have an article redirect to a person's real name. That's not what they're known by. When was the last time you saw anyone call Nethaera by her real name? Having been around since before Neth became a CM, I have yet to see the latter used in any conversation amongst common circles. A community manager is known by their online name. It is quite reasonable to expect that visitors to Wowpedia will be searching by the online name, and so any real name used as the actual article should instead be a redirect. -- Alayea (talk / contrib) 03:58, 7 November 2015 (UTC)
If we standardize how real people vs in-game characters are named for their articles, we should treat devs and CMs the same. If their real name is known then their pseudonym should redirect to them. That will free up those names for the in-game character which can then point to the article of the real person.
So taking Crithto for example, his articles should be "Chad Wingerd" for the person and Crithto for the in-game character... especially now that he's not a CM.
Zarhym's articles should be "Jonathan Brown" for the person and Zarhym for the in-game character, so forth and so on. Snake.gifSssssssssssssssssssssssss Coobra sig3.gifFor Pony! (Sssss/Slithered) 04:41, 7 November 2015 (UTC)
I have no issue with doing that for former employees like Chad Wingerd, but I don't think it an unreasonable assumption that someone searching Wowpedia for Zarhym is probably wanting the Community Manager over the NPC. Aliok (talk) 22:34, 7 November 2015 (UTC)