Foggy MacKreel

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AllianceFoggy MacKreel
Image of Foggy MacKreel
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Ironforge
Location Unknown (lore); Arathi Highlands[43, 92] (Classic)
Status Unknown

Foggy MacKreel is a dwarf quest giver located outside in the broken part of Thandol Span in the Arathi Highlands. He seemed amazingly uncaring about his stranded and precarious position, his entire attention focused on a moonshine delivery to Southshore. As of the Cataclysm, he has vanished, and the broken part of the Span is completely deserted.


Getting to MacKreel

One of the easiest ways to reach him was to perform a mounted jump from the Arathi Highlands side of the bridge. Use the fallen chain as your guide, lining up to the right of it, and jump towards the middle platform. If timed correctly, you will land on a jutting piece of stone a short ways down the pillar. Other ways include speed potions, rogue sprint, aspect of the cheetah, ghost wolf form, and slow fall/levitate.


Patch changes

External links

es:Nubos MacKreel