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Focusing Our Efforts

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AllianceFocusing Our Efforts
Start Automatic
End Archmage Kalec
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Type Legendary
Category Artifact
Experience 1,650
Rewards 1g 94s


Complete the "Nightfall" and "Moon Guard Stronghold" storylines in Suramar, then meet Archmage Kalec in Shal'Aran.


The Nightfallen in Suramar were once a part of the Nightborne, but have been exiled by their former brethren and cut off from the Nightwell.

I believe they could be valuable allies in our quest if you can turn them to our side. I know only that they have gone into hiding somewhere in Suramar.

Afterward, seek out the Moon Guard in the northern reaches of Suramar. They, too, could be valuable allies in our cause... if they still oppose the Legion as they once did many years ago.


You will receive:

  • 1g 94s
  • 1,650 XP


Let us speak with Thalrenus and discuss our plan of action.



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