Flood Elemental (Durotar)

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For the Wetlands mobs, see Flood Elemental.
MobFlood Elemental
Image of Flood Elemental
Race Water elemental (Elemental)
Level 50-80
Reaction Horde
Location Thunder Ridge, Durotar

Flood Elementals are water elementals located in the waters of Thunder Ridge in Durotar during the Heritage of Draenor questline. Translucent and uninteractable versions swim around the area, while hostile versions can spawn upon interacting with Buried Seeds during H IconSmall Orc Male.gifIconSmall Orc Female.gif [50-80] The Spirit of Thunder Ridge.


  • Spell frost frostbolt.png Water Bolt — Hurls a watery bolt at an enemy, inflicting Frost damage.
  • Spell frost summonwaterelemental.png Water Spout — Creates a powerful spout of water beneath the target, dealing Frost damage and knocking them high into the air.

Patch changes

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