Flight Master's Report

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  • Flight Master's Report
  • Quest Item
  • "On the weathered parchment, the battle report outlines the aerial blockade established by the djaradin army."
  • <Right Click to Read>
Flight Master's Report

The Flight Master's Report is found at [51.1, 26.3] on a barrel beside the Obsidian Rest flight master Keskos in northern Zaralek Cavern. Ebyssian is looking for it in N [70] The Obsidian Rest, part of the Embers of Neltharion campaign.

It reads:

Flight Master's Report

Battlefield Ruins: Aerial Report

The skies above the Battlefield Ruins are a death trap.

Anyone who comes too close risks being blasted out of the air by the djaradin ballistae or elemental magic.

Until the aerial blockade is breached, our options are very limited.

Flight Master Keskos
Obsidian Rest

Patch changes

External links

Item Object