Flamewaker Pathfinder

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MobFlamewaker Pathfinder
Image of Flamewaker Pathfinder
Race Flamewaker (Humanoid)
Level 35 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Firelands

Flamewaker Pathfinders are flamewakers located in the Firelands.


  • Ensnare-Captures a target up to 0 to 40 yards away in a net for 3 sec, burning them for 14250 to 15750 Fire damage each second they remain captured by the net. Unreliable against targets higher than level 86.
  • Flaming Spear-Hurls a flaming spear at the target, dealing weapon damage as fire and inflicting 13875 to 16125 damage every 4 seconds for 9 sec.


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