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Fishing For Something Bigger

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NeutralFishing For Something Bigger
Start Danielle Anglers
End Danielle Anglers
Level 10-60
Category Mechagon Island
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 Rustbolt Resistance
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [10-60] Welcome to the Resistance
Next N [10-60] Tidying Up


Find the Anodized Sentry Fish, Jarmouthed Goby and the Suction Tube.


There's a huge fish lurking these waters, and it's been causing lots of problems!

It eats other fish, fishermen, and a lot of expensive gear. I saw it swallow a beautiful Zigby 300 Fishing Rod along with its owner just the other day!

I've got a plan, but I've lost a lot of my equipment in the waters around here. Can you help fish up some of these items for me?


You will receive:


Did you get me the items?


Great work, <name>. Now I can build the Minnow Vac!





PTR version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the PTR stages.


Get me an Anodized Sentry Fish, Jarmouthed Goby and the Suction Tube I lost in the lake near the falls.

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