Fishgorged Crane

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MobFishgorged Crane
Image of Fishgorged Crane
Race Crane (Beast)
Level 30-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Timeless Isle
Status Killable

Fishgorged Cranes are found on the southern shore of Timeless Isle, between Old Pi'jiu and Firewalker Ruins.

The rare tiger Cranegnasher has developed a taste for these cranes, so if a bloodied, dead crane is found lying on the ground just southeast of the Celestial Court, bringing a live crane may entice Cranegnasher out of hiding.

Fishgorged Cranes are one of a handful of non-rares on the isle that are not an objective of the  [Killing Time] achievement.


  • Ability priest angelicfeather.png Windfeather — Increases melee attack speed by 100% for 6 sec.


Gossip of dead Fishgorged Crane

It appears that this fishgorged crane suffered a violent death.

There are bites and claw marks all over its body and most of its viscera have been consumed.

This must be a favorite meal of something ravenous.

Patch changes

External links

Alive Dead