Field Medic Penny

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Not to be confused with Penny or Penny (dog).
AllianceField Medic Penny
Image of Field Medic Penny
Gender Female
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 30
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance
Affiliation(s) Church of the Holy Light, Kingdom of Ironforge
Location Halls of Winter, Ulduar

Field Medic Penny is a dwarven priestess part of the Hodir encounter in Ulduar. She, along with her party is trapped in blocks of ice and must be freed to help against the frost titans attacks. If the raid is in the 25man version of Ulduar then she will be replaced by Field Medic Jessi.


  • Spell holy greaterheal.png Great Heal — Heals a friendly ally for a large amount of damage.
  • Spell holy holysmite.png Smite — Manipulates a wave of holy magic to smite an enemy for a large amount of damage.
  • Spell holy dispelmagic.png Dispel Magic — Calls upon a positive force of magic to remove 1 negative spell from an ally.

Patch changes

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