Field Guide

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Field Guide is contained in the  [Entomology Starter Kit].


Field Guide

Arbor Tarantula

Order: Araneae
Climate: Tropical

Builds nests inside of dead and rotting wood. Often found near logging activity, as the tarantula seeks to burrow into the freshly cut stumps.

Flesh Picker

Order: Scorpiones
Climate: Arid

As its name implies, this scorpid picks, and eats, flesh from the bones of other animals. It is a scavenger, and prefers to feed from larger carcasses.

Hay Weevil

Order: Coleoptera
Climate: Temperate

A towering menace in a tiny shell. A single weevil can eat through a bale of hay in less than an hour. Infestations are rare, but are often reported in northern parts of the Eastern Kingdoms.

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